Doing tasks is hard for us, ADHDers. That's why we made Mentalitet - a todo app that focuses on helping you do stuff. Completely free
I've been daily driving Mentalitet for quite a long time. I'm the creator, so I might be biased, though I can't say that using it had changed my life. What I can say is that using it had improved my TODO tracking and I'm able to complete tasks better.
Founder of Mentalitet
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Co-founder of Mentalitet
Normal ahh task list app imo
Mentalitet user
Good app, can recommend. Used it for a long time, very convenient. Can manage tasks, big functional. Had a very good experience using it.
Mentalitet user
Mentalitet works differently compared to usual TODO apps. We carefully crafted the behaviour of the app to suit most us, ADHDers. What we do might seem strange at first, but when you try it you realize that it's actually good.
Don't you get overwhelmed looking at all the tasks for the day in conventional TODO apps? That's why we show you only the current task to focus on it.
It's usually not good to break down tasks, as you see even more of them in your daily tasks. But, remember, we show only one task - so it works. Each task you add should take at most 30 minutes.
Select the exact date for your task, but not time. Tasks are organized based on creation time, but you can re-organize them. Exact dates for tasks don't work and we only use them for calendar integrations.